Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Since a few weeks we started a special weekly program for teenage girls (SuperWoman) in the age of 11-18. It´s difficult to keep teenagers interested in the program at Casa Semear. Since last year we´ve been noticing that many teenagers stop coming to the community centre when they get to 15 or so, and that we kind of loose contact with them. It´s a shame this happens, because actually they are the ones that most need a place for themselves, good friendships, good advice and some wise guidance during these decisive years of their lives.

So, that´s why we thought it would be a good idea to start a fun, interactive and informative program especially for these teen girls. As I love to work with teenage girls, they asked me to lead this girls´ program. The program is called SuperWoman, it´s a really good and fun program developed by Youth for Christ in Holland (meanwhile I´m also translating this material for YfC into Portuguese, as they´ve asked me to help them out). Youth for Christ works in several big cities in Holland among teenage girls and they´ve developed this program especially for this target group.

It comes down to a group of teenage girls who meet every week to talk about all kinds of subjects relevant to them in this stage of life. It´s a very creative, dynamic and contemporary program that covers subjects such as: self-image, self-confidence, friendships, family bonds, talents and interests, the future and society, sexuality and dating and lots more. Every week we got a full program containing funny games, serious activities, relaxing talks and deep conversations. I hope that together we´ll be able to create a safe and positive atmosphere in the group so that the girls will feel free to talk about the things that are on their minds; and that, in time, they´ll notice that there is room to also share more difficult, intimate issues and sad experiences they might be dealing with.


We just started the program, but it´s already a huge success! The 18 girls that participate are very excited! We´re having a lot of fun together while we´re busy with all kinds of cool activities: making chocolate lollypops (and eating them all afterwards of course ;0), watching movies, doing sketches and drama, designing our own diary, building pyramids and shooting a hilarious photo session. I am already noticing that the girls are getting a more and more united group and that they´re slowly starting to feel more secure, sharing more with each other and talking deeper every time...


Through this program we are trying to maintain contact with the girls, building friendship with them, walking next to them and being an example to them. The majority of these girls come from broken families, where they have to deal with a mom who works full-time, the absence of a good father figure and a negative and risky social context (crime, street life, drug use, teenage pregnancy etc.). This program offers them a bit of coaching, information, direction and insight based on biblical principles. 

They are all just such precious girls with so much talent and ability! We pray and hope that we may see them grow up to become healthy, balanced young women with a healthy sense of self-respect and self-confidence, having worthy goals and dreams; girls who know well their heavenly Father and know that they´re loved. 

I would like to invite you to pray for these 18 girls!
God bless you, 
