Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meeting for moms: touching stories & one great hope

Since last year when we did the camp for teenagers about the exodus, the idea that God wants to create a new society where there´s love, justice and peace, as a result of his dwelling among the people, is something very strong in our mind. For that people, who lived more than 3 thousand years ago, this hope was clear because they could compare it with the kind of life they had; a life full of slavery, oppression and injustice. As for us, the idea is a little more difficult to imagine because our lives don´t look much like that.

But there are many people to whom such hope may seem impossible, something too good to be true. In one of the parents meetings at Casa Semear, the mothers (they are the only ones who show up) had the opportunity to share their life story and their reality right now. Among the great tragedies they have to face, the heaviest of them all has to do with their partners. Husbands or boyfriends who mistreat, threaten, take advantage of, abuse, neglect them and do everything else, but to love them, is a common experience in their lives. To see your children hiding under the bed while your partner beats you up is an image that gets very close to that life of slavery, oppression and injustice. Many of them really feel like slaves because they don´t see how they can escape from this situation.

While Dot and me were talking about this, we couldn´t help but wonder how great God´s grace and love are. How such a holy and marvelous God could think it was worth it to safe a world in such a terrible condition? But it´s so good to know that He is doing it. We also talked about how much we want to see these women, one day, living in a world fully redeemed by God, being able to live a life of love, justice and peace. Tears and wounds of a life of suffering will turn into a big smile, finally life as it should be! This is the one great hope that we want to share with these moms.


Monday, May 7, 2012

Missionary house almost finished!

Two years ago, when we started the construction of a missionary house in the backyard of community center Casa Semear, we had no idea how long the building process would take and how much time, effort and faith it would cost us to complete this project! Little by little donations arrived, little by little we were able to buy the construction materials and slowly (every now and then we had to stop the building process for a while) the missionary house was built.  
Starting to build in 2010
Ready for the first ceiling

Group of volunteers from Scotland
First floor ready!

`Seu Luis´ working hard!
Building the second floor...

But thanks to the hard work of our builder `Seu Luis´, and the effort and dedication of many volunteers who either supported the project financially or came to Casa Semear to help build the house, we can now finally say that there´s light at the end of the tunnel! The end of the building process is near! The house is almost finished! Over the past few months we saw the construction site quickly changing into a beautiful missionary house, which is now almost ready to receive its first residents. The missionary house has three floors: the first floor will be a small apartment for one of our Brazilian missionary workers; the second floor is meant exclusively for short-term volunteers who come to serve at community center Casa Semear and the third floor, the terrace, will be our relaxing spot as we always joke around: “There´s space for a barbecue and a small swimming pool, a perfect place to hang out on warm, sunny days!”

Ready for the second ceiling
Uncle Robert helps too
Building the roof
Volunteers working hard!

Bucket after bucket full of cement
is poured out on the roof.
Building the roof terrace
Roof terrace almost ready...

As you´ve probably noticed, we´re very excited about the whole project: now we´ll soon be able to offer our short-term volunteers a great place to live at during their stay with us. And besides, for Dora, one of our Brazilian workers, this means that her very first `own´ house is almost ready and she´s so excited about creating her own home. 

Roof terrace ready!

Seu Luis´ crazy dangerous constructions!

Does this mean that the renovation process of the community center is almost done now?? No, unfortunately not! When Dora moves to her new living space, the first floor of the community center itself will be emptied, which means that we´ll be able to finally start renovating that part of the community center: it´s our goal to transform that floor into a nice, creative teen lounge space and there also is a big kitchen area on this floor which we want to renovate and start using as the central kitchen and dining-hall for the work with the children and teenagers. At the moment we´re using a tiny, little kitchen with one small oven; not very practical if you need to cook and prepare snacks for up to 40 kids!

So there´s still a lot to do, but when we look at everything that God has already given us in the past two years, how He provides every time again and how He enables us to little by little turn the community center into a well organized, well working project, we´re just so thankful to Him!! He really is able to do so much more than we often ask for or can imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

First window ready!

We want to thank you for supporting this project!

God bless you! Love,

Caio & Dorothee