Saturday, July 28, 2012

City trip to London & short visit in Holland!

It has been very quiet on this weblog for the past couple of weeks... and there´s a good reason for it: we were travelling! We spent some time in Holland and London. It wasn´t really furlough, but an extra, shorter holiday trip to Holland. Quite a while ago, we received a generous gift from one of our family members here in São Paulo especially for our 5th wedding anniversary. First, our plan was to make a nice honeymoon trip to the Northeast coast of Brazil, but as we thought a bit more about it, we realized that we could also just use this money for an extra trip to Holland! Now what is greater fun than being able to spend some time in my home country with family and dear friends?! So that´s why in June we spend almost two weeks in the Netherlands… That is very short, you could say, but for us it was a wonderful, well spent holiday time. We enjoyed every bit of it and were able to rest from the first semester which had been quite busy and challenging.

To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, we also made a short city trip to London! Great fun! It was so good to be away, just the two of us, spending time sightseeing as real tourists ;0) and discovering new things & spots, walking a lot, eating fish & chips as much as we could and reading a good book in the quietness of Hyde Park.

So we really enjoyed our holidays and are ready for a busy and challenging second semester!

God bless,

Caio & Dot